7 Best USB Oscilloscope For Hobbyists  (Reviewed)

USB oscilloscopes are a great way to provide easy connectivity to modern electronics and are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and versatility.

The world of electronics hobbyists is exciting, filled with people eager to try new things and learn about the latest advances in electronics. To do that, you need one essential tool: a good oscilloscope. Fortunately, there are plenty of great options on the market for every budget—from high-end professional hardware to affordable beginner devices.

In this post, I share my expertise on these things and help you in picking the best USB oscilloscope for hobbyists. However, it can be hard to tell which model is right for you. Our goal today is to help make that decision easier by telling you about 7 of our favorite oscilloscopes for hobbyists in 2024.

USB oscilloscope comparison Table

After my genuine testing, I ranked and reviewed the 7 best PC oscilloscopes for makers and hobbyists along with 3 top choices. It will help to meet your purchasing needs.

Hantek 6022BE Laptop PC USB Digital Storage Virtual Oscilloscope 2 Channels 20Mhz Handheld...*
Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E 200 mhz Digital Oscilloscope 2 Channels, Grey*
YEAPOOK ADS1013D Handheld Digital Tablet oscilloscope Portable Storage Oscilloscope Kit...*
Product Title
Hantek 6022BE Laptop PC USB Digital Storage Virtual Oscilloscope 2 Channels 20Mhz Handheld...*
Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E 200 mhz Digital Oscilloscope 2 Channels, Grey*
YEAPOOK ADS1013D Handheld Digital Tablet oscilloscope Portable Storage Oscilloscope Kit...*
Hantek 6022BE Laptop PC USB Digital Storage Virtual Oscilloscope 2 Channels 20Mhz Handheld...*
Product Title
Hantek 6022BE Laptop PC USB Digital Storage Virtual Oscilloscope 2 Channels 20Mhz Handheld...*
For More Information
Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E 200 mhz Digital Oscilloscope 2 Channels, Grey*
Product Title
Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E 200 mhz Digital Oscilloscope 2 Channels, Grey*
For More Information
YEAPOOK ADS1013D Handheld Digital Tablet oscilloscope Portable Storage Oscilloscope Kit...*
Product Title
YEAPOOK ADS1013D Handheld Digital Tablet oscilloscope Portable Storage Oscilloscope Kit...*
For More Information

What is a USB Oscilloscope?

A USB oscilloscope is a device that allows you to measure the voltage, current, and even frequency of the signals in your electronic projects. A professional oscilloscope includes an entire hardware platform that needs to be assembled, calibrated, and tested before you can use it.

At the same time, the small function generators and meters are connected through a special interface to the personal computer, where they are measured as a signal source. However, this approach is much too burdensome for simple observation and measurement of sensor and component parameters at a home workshop or laboratory. That is why we need an inexpensive, easy-to-use oscilloscope with a USB interface.

How did we choose and select

The best USB oscilloscope for hobbyists that I and field professionals recommend is the Siglent SDS1202X-E 200 and YEAPOOK ADS1014D. They are the best because of their user-friendly interface, and reliable performance, are highly regarded for their compact design, and are more affordable than traditional standalone oscilloscopes.

Here are the crucial factors that we have considered to choose the best options


The bandwidth of an oscilloscope is measured in megahertz, and it determines how fast the device can capture a signal. Some scopes can capture signals up to one gigahertz, but they cost more than the average device. Cheaper scopes have bandwidths up to 100 megahertz. If you need more speed, you’ll have to pay more for a higher-end scope.

Trigger Sensitivity:

The trigger sensitivity of an oscilloscope is how well it can distinguish when a signal is present versus when it’s not present. Most scopes are pretty sensitive, but if you’re looking for a high-end model, make sure the trigger sensitivity is adjustable.

Trigger Source:

Some oscilloscopes have multiple trigger sources. The most common trigger source is the edge trigger, which triggers when an input signal exceeds a certain voltage level. The threshold trigger is another common alternative, and it triggers when the input signal crosses a specific voltage threshold. Other features include video triggering and audio triggering.

the best USB oscilloscope for hobbyists in 2024?

Here is the list of the top USB oscilloscope reviews for hobbyists this year.

2. Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E 200 Mhz Digital Oscilloscope

I also love this The Siglent SDS1202X is an inexpensive scope that lacks some of the features seen on more expensive models, but it offers a lot of great bang for the buck. It has two channels with bandwidths ranging from 200 megahertz to 200 gigahertz.

It is great to do time domain and frequency domain analysis, but we’d like to see added support for triggering probe adjustments via USB.

Another plus about this unit is adjustable trigger levels and a low-pass filter. This is handy if you want to be able to see transients and other noise events on your scope’s screen. We’ve been testing this category more that 2 years we’ve found that it is amazing avialable option,

We’ve found that It uses Windows-compatible software that allows you to save and load waveforms easily. I also set up and tested the old version but we found it more simple to operate. We’ve tested its almost all features and found more accurate as Compared with cheaper avialable options.

Key Features:

Overall, Siglent Technologies SDS1202X-E is a reliable and affordable diagnostic Oscilloscope that can be used for a wide range of applications, including electronics troubleshooting, circuit analysis, signal monitoring, and more.

  • 200 MHz max bandwidth on channels.
  • 2 GHz max bandwidth of each channel (300 MH for each).


  • Portable and easy to handle.
  • Excellent performance.


  • A bit expensive model.

2. Hantek 6022BE Digital Oscilloscope

The Hantek 6022BE offers many of the same capabilities and an extensive range of features seen in pricier models. It is my #1 priority if you are a professional to use it for a long time. If you don’t have the budget or have a tight budget, This is the better option for you.

It’s available in total 8 channel support, In our testing we were able to use it with multiple machines at the same time. The Hantek 6022BE is one of my favorite digital oscilloscopes for reliable measurement.

The Hantek is an affordable, compact scope that will fit in even the smallest of workspaces. It has a lot of convenient features, but very few frills, which makes it a good choice for hobbyists who don’t need all the advanced functionality of larger models.

Furthermore, It has two channels with bandwidths ranging from one megahertz to three gigahertz. It has Windows-compatible software that allows you to easily save and load waveforms.

When using this oscilloscope, I notice that it’s quite basic and its screen is small. otherwise, this is a well-recommended USB Oscilloscope for professionals. It is extremely simple, compact, and lightweight, making them highly portable and suitable for on-the-go use.

Key Features:

  • Most budget-friendly oscilloscopes.
  • It is a built-in function generator.
  • Compact and USB-powered.
  • Ideal for the majority of home electronics projects

Overall, The Hantek 6022BE is a user-friendly and reliable diagnostic tool for professionals use and beginners alike. It is easy to use allowing simultaneous measurements of various signals. Our main gripe with this model is that the real-time sampling rate is not up to mark and could have been better. But since It simply connects with any laptop we don’t consider this a fatal flaw.


  • Portable and easy to handle.
  • Excellent performance.


  • A bit expensive model.

3. YEAPOOK ADS1014D 2 in 1 Digital Oscilloscope

The YEAPOOK ADS1014D Digital Oscilloscope was my pick when I started my electronics hobby. It is the best PC-based oscilloscope with an affordable price point. The great thing about this device has four channels with bandwidths ranging from 100 kilohertz to 100 megahertz.

What I like best about YEAPOOK has a lot of functionality both out of the box and via optional add-ons, including autosave and USB support. I also love its affordability, and advanced functionalities, making them an essential tool

Furthermore, I’d like to see this model have more bandwidth, but for the price, it’s hard to beat. In fact, This device comes with built-in math function capability, but right now it only supports addition. Another good thing about this unit uses Windows-compatible software that allows you to save waveforms easily.

In real-world terms we’ve found that it is another best pc based oscilloscope for budget-friendly hobbyists and home users.

Key Features:

  • 100 MHz max bandwidth on channels.
  • Additional functions can be added via optional add-ons.


  • Portable and easy to handle.
  • Excellent performance.


  • A bit expensive model.

4. FNIRSI 1013D Plus Oscilloscope

The FNIRSI 1013D Plus is a good, basic scope for beginning hobbyists. It has a great price point and just the right number of features for most people. It’s very easy to use and has many useful features, such as trigger levels, auto-save, and USB support.

I am glad about its more advanced capabilities, like time-domain analysis or waveform capture, but we understand that this device was designed to be simple. This scope uses Windows-compatible software that allows you to easily save waveforms.

I like its 7-inch color TFT LCD with a resolution of 800×480 pixels. I am amazed that it can record waveforms for later analysis and playback. I also like its compact and lightweight design.

If you prefer an extra rigid chassis, it is a perfect choice for you; we’ve tested it. The best fact about this is that it is better than several options compared with cheaper ones.

Key Features:

  • 550 MHz max bandwidth on channels (200 MHz on one channel, 230 MHz on the other).
  • This scope does not upconvert signals; you get what you get.


  • Portable and easy to handle.
  • Excellent performance.


  • A bit expensive model.

5. DreamSourceLab DSCope U3P100 USB-Based Oscilloscope:

The best USB oscilloscope for hobbyists should be compact and lightweight design when operating in the field. The DSCope U3P100 is a very affordable USB-based oscilloscope that has enough functionality for hobbyists. It can be used with Arduino and Arduino among other programming languages.

Apart from its efficient performance, This product comes with two channels with bandwidths ranging between 10 megahertz to 100 kilohertz. I am amazed that it can accurately measure high-frequency signals.

I like this because it supports real-time capture, and the software is really easy to use right out of the box. While this model doesn’t have a lot of features or capabilities, it’s one of the most affordable options on this list!

Key Features:

  • 10 MHz max bandwidth on channels.
  • The software is really easy to use right out of the box.

6. Autoulet P6100 Universal Oscilloscope Probe

The Autoulet P6100 is a professional-grade oscilloscope probe, and it features an affordable price point. It has two channels with bandwidths ranging between one megahertz and five gigahertz.

It’s got a great feature set that includes time domain analysis, trigger levels, and auto-save. We would have liked to see more advanced options like frequency domain analysis, but this device is still a very good choice for the beginner hobbyist! This scope uses Windows-compatible software that allows you to save waveforms easily.

I would recommend the Autoulet P6100 for general-purpose measurements. My experience using different brands provides a secure connection for probing signals.

Key Features:

  • 10 MHz max bandwidth on channels (5 GHz on the second channel or 2 GHz on one channel, 1 GHz on the other).
  • This scope does not upconvert signals; you get what you get.

7. BSHAPPLUS 2 in-1 Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter

I like The BSHAPPLUS because it is a high-quality, two-in-one device that is a very affordable option for hobbyists. It has two channels with bandwidths ranging between 10 kilohertz and one megahertz. I like the fact that it’s an easy-to-use interface and a helpful LCD screen that shows you information about the waveforms you’re working with.

With my experience using different brands, This scope can do both real-time capture and time domain analysis, but it lacks some of the more advanced features found on higher-end models. This device uses Windows-compatible software that allows you to save waveforms easily.

More than a stable performance, Setting up this device I can combine the capabilities of an oscilloscope and a multimeter in a single handheld unit.

Key Features:

  • 10 MHz max bandwidth on channels (1 MHz on the second channel, 500 kHz for each channel).
  • This scope does not upconvert signals; you get what you get. The software is really easy to use right out of the box.

Buying Guide for USB Oscilloscope

Time Base:

The time base of an oscilloscope tells you how fast data points are displayed on the screen during live waveform capture or captured file playback. A lower time base means faster display speed, but it also makes it harder to see waveforms accurately.

Higher time bases make it easier to see signals in real time, but this can slow the capture speed. The best oscilloscopes will offer a high time base while also offering slower capture speeds.

Memory Capability:

Memory capacity is an important feature if you’re recording and saving functions for later use. Some scopes have plenty of memory, while others are severely limited in the amount of memory they can save and load files to or from.

Connectivity Options:

USB connections are often the best option because they tend to be more reliable than other types of connections like FireWire or serial ports. Make sure the scope you are considering can connect directly to a USB-enabled computer or instrument.

Time Range:

Oscilloscopes typically come in a wide variety of time ranges. These can range from seconds to days and even years! The best oscilloscopes will be able to support both high-speed and very low-speed synchronization modes.

Waveform Capture Capability:

The best oscilloscopes should be able to capture multiple types of waveforms, including analog, digital, SSI (Serial Signal Interface), video, and custom waveforms.

Real-Time Waveform Display:

Some oscilloscopes can store thousands of waveforms, but they can’t show them on the device’s display. These scopes need to be connected to another device that has a display screen. The best oscilloscopes should be able to show waveforms in real-time, and it should be easy for you to use them with software applications like LabView.

Waveform Analysis Capability:

The best oscilloscopes should offer the ability to perform various types of analysis on captured or stored waveforms, including strength analysis, phase analysis, and frequency analysis.


For the hobbyist, an oscilloscope is an extremely useful device that can be used for both beginning projects and more advanced projects. Most oscilloscopes have enough bandwidth to handle most kinds of applications. When it comes to selecting an oscilloscope, there are three things you need to consider.

First, decide how much you want to spend on a device because this will help narrow down your search parameters. Second, make sure the scope has the right functionality for your projects; certain features like automatic saving can be handy.

Lastly, verify that the software is compatible with your computer; most oscilloscopes come with Windows-compatible software, but some run on Linux or other operating systems instead.


Q: Will I need to buy extra accessories if I purchase one of these scopes?

Yes, you will probably need additional accessories. These devices typically come with probes and test leads, but you’ll need to buy more probes to connect to the scope itself.

You’ll also want some sort of power supply for your device because it won’t work with a computer USB port. You can use a bench power supply or a wall outlet with various adapter plugs.

Q: What’s the best oscilloscope for beginners?

It’s hard to say that any oscilloscope is best for beginners since so many factors go into what makes an oscilloscope ideal for beginning hobbyists and students. That being said, the BSHAPPLUS 2 in 1 Handheld Oscilloscope Multimeter is an affordable option that is both high quality and easy to use.

It has a two-in-one design which makes it a more versatile option than some other models, like the BSHAP8 3 Channels Portable Digital Oscilloscope with Realtime Waveform Display Function.

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About Author

  • Manoj Kumar Raghav

    Hello, this is Manoj, A Soldering and DIY Tool expert. Writing is one of my hobbies. With more than 20 years of broad experience. I love researching, discovering, and sharing new products with others, I hope you’ll enjoy the greatest featured products to make life easier, more fun, and more productive.

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